Monday, July 05, 2010

Cynical view about marriage

After I watched the "pig of happiness" video below, I stumbled upon a few more videos and clicked on this. "I guess you'll do" sounds like some pretty wise title, don't you think?

It turned out to be one of the most unwise videos ever, done on purpose of course. The video is so painfully honest about so many people in this society; the girl who get boyfriends, get married, have sex, get babies, raise perfect kids, get grandchildren..

...go through the supposed cycle of the life of a woman just so they'll have "something to talk about". With no love involved at all.

I've never imagined life to be that way, because I'm supposed to fall madly in love with my future husband, where all we need is each other and happiness, to talk to each other and understand each other.. it shouldn't even happen if don't appreciate each other for who we are.

The list goes on. In fact, I shouldn't be able to write it out after thinking for only 5 minutes. While I spend the rest of my life thinking (even after I'm married), and thinking and thinking, its time to get to bed.

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